Ignore the link in the title. It does nothing and I cant fix it. This link however, will take you to a page on the stages of the Hero Cycle as described by Campbell. As you watch the video its relevance to all mythology should become plain. This is a way to interpret some of the great hero stories as well the great myths that we have already read. In addition Campbell's Hero Journey has a direct connection to the lives of "ordinary" folks like us and gives us a way to translate the important experiences in our lives to a spiritual plane the way myth does.
During the course of the video he mentions George Lucas and the Star Wars series of films. Campbell was actually an advisor to George Lucas on those films and that is probably the reason why they came out so good. The focus on the hero myth also brings the cosmological scale of mythology down to the personal scale. I believe it was Campbell who said that "myths allow us to live a good life in any time". This is shown to be true in Star Wars as well as Arthurian Legend and even farther back into what we have already read. Tommorrow i will discuss the Stages of the Hero Journey (from website) in more detail.
Finally, I would like you all to begin sending me ideas you have for the final project. Please send me at least one idea in the next few days. Also remember that the second part of your American Gods essay is due this weekend. Enjoy the film.